Ring Size

Measuring your ring size can be really simple using a ring size chart or even a piece of string. Many jewelry stores will help you get your ring size for free, but it’s also easy to do yourself at home. 

Ring Sizing Tips

Here are a few pointers to keep in mind when you measure your ring size:

  • Consider your knuckle: If you know your knuckle is on the larger side, order half a size bigger than what your finger alone indicates, otherwise you won’t be able slide a ring into the right place.
  • Ensure accuracy with multiple tries: Catbird’s site recommends measuring your finger three to four different times because the size fluctuates depending on temperature: It can be smaller the colder you are and more swollen if you’re overheated.
  • Measure the finger you want to wear the ring on: Your ring finger may be smaller or larger on one hand than the other, so make sure you measure the finger you intend to wear the ring on most often for a comfortable fit.
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